Prerequisiti e apprendimento scolastico

Prerequisiti e apprendimento scolastico

  • Sviluppo dei prerequisiti scolastici in area alfabetica e matematica
  • Acquisizione degli apprendimenti scolastici e processi sottostanti
  • Ruolo di fattori dominio generali e specifici nell’apprendimento scolastico
  • Indicatori precoci di difficoltà di apprendimento
  • Interventi di potenziamento a livello dei prerequisiti e dei primi apprendimenti  

Libri e capitoli di libro:

Amoretti, G., Morra, S., Usai, M. C., & Viterbori, P. (2020). Processi cognitivi e apprendimento scolastico. Editore: Carocci. ISBN: 9788843099160.  

Articoli scientifici:

•    Zanobini, M., Rivella, C., Viterbori, P. (2024). Writing and reading workshop: impact on reading motivation, reading amount and text comprehension. Literacy. 
•    Mercugliano A., Bigozzi L., De Cunto A., Graziani D., Pecini C., Usai M.C., Vecchi S., & Ruffini R. (2024): Which childhood predictive indices forecast reading and writing skills in school-age children: a systematic review, Child Neuropsychology, 
•    Traverso L., Tonizzi I., Usai M. C. & Viterbori P. (2023) The Cognitive Underpinnings of Early Arithmetic Depend on Arithmetic Problem Format: A Study with Five-Year-Old Children, Journal of Cognition and Development, 
•    Traverso, L., Viterbori, P., Gandolfi, E., Zanobini, M., Usai, M.C. (2022). The contribution of inhibitory control to early literacy skills in 4‐ to 5‐year‐old children, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 59, 265-286. 
•    Gandolfi, E., Traverso, L., Zanobini, M., Usai M.C., Viterbori, P. (2021). The longitudinal relationship between early inhibitory control skills and emergent literacy in preschool children. Reading & Writing.
•    Malagoli, C., Zanobini, M., Chiorri, C., & Bigozzi, L. (2021). Difficulty in writing perceived by university students: A comparison of inaccurate writers with and without diagnostic certification. Children, 8(2), 88. 
•    Tonizzi I., Traverso L., Usai M. C., Viterbori P. (2021). Fostering number sense in low SES children: a comparison between low- and high-intensity interventions. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 33, 345-363, ISSN: 1033-2170. 
•    Traverso, L., Tonizzi, I., Usai, M. C., & Viterbori, P. (2021). The relationship of working memory and inhibition with different number knowledge skills in preschool children.  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 203.
•    Usai M.C., Viterbori P., & Traverso L. (2018). Preschool Executive Function Profiles: Implications for Math Achievement in Grades 1 and 3, Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 

Ultimo aggiornamento 2 Febbraio 2025