Inclusione e benessere nel contesto scolastico
- Indicatori di rischio per il disadattamento scolastico
- Povertà educativa e segregazione scolastica
- Capacità trasversali, life skills e successo scolastico
- Contesto scolastico e promozione della salute
Articoli scientifici:
• Zanobini, M., Chiorri, C., & Viterbori, P. (2024). Psychometric properties of the Italian adaptation of the short form of the Quality Scale of Inclusive School Development (QU! SS). International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-17.
• Muscella, L., Papotti, N., & Zanobini, M. (2023). Quality of school inclusion and digital technologies: A pilot study. Ricerche di psicologia: 3, 2023, 109-141.
• Zanobini, M., & Viterbori, P. (2022). Students’ well-being and attitudes towards inclusion. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 37(4), 679-689.
• Pace, C.S., Usai, M.C., Bizzi, F., Minetto, P., Alcetti, A. and Zanobini, M. (2022). Psychological Counseling Service "Together" at University of Genoa: Students' Psychological Profile in Pre and Post Pandemic. Front. Psychol. 13:898530.
• Panesi, S., Bocconi, S., Ferlino, L. (2020). Promoting students’ well-being and inclusion in schools through digital technologies: perceptions of students, teachers and school leaders in Italy expressed through SELFIE piloting activities. Frontiers in Psychology - Educational Psychology.