Alice Bazzurro

Foto di Alice Bazzurro

Alice Bazzurro, psychologist, and psychotherapist in training. She holds a master's degree in Typical and Atypical Developmental Psychology from the University of Genoa. She is currently a PhD student in Social Sciences, specializing in Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, at UniGe (PON program, XXXVII cycle). She works as a peer academic tutor and is a subject expert in M-PSI/04. Her research interests focus on executive functions and self-regulation skills in school-aged children diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders, through the integration of technology for tele-assessment and tele-intervention in clinical settings. She is involved in the feasibility and effectiveness study of the training program "The World of Elli" in clinical contexts and collaborates with Giannina Gaslini Hospital to assess the effectiveness of the tool in children with a history of stroke and diplegia.

Last update 7 March 2025