Language and Communication in Typical and Atypical Children
- Early Identification of Linguistic Risk Indicators
- Language Difficulties and Disorders
- Bilingualism and Atypical Development
- Development of Interventions to Promote Linguistic and Communicative Skills
• Gandolfi, E., Diotallevi, G., & Viterbori, P. (2024). Morphological and Inhibitory Skills in Monolingual and Bilingual Children With and Without Developmental Language Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 67(8), 2620-2637.
• Gandolfi, E., Usai, M.C., Traverso, L., & Viterbori, P. (2023). Inhibitory control and verb inflection in Italian preschool children. Journal of Child Language, 50(4), 1005-1021.
• Usai, M.C, Viterbori, P., Gandolfi, E., Zanobini, M. (2020). The relationship between temperamental dimensions and inhibitory control in early childhood: Implications for language acquisition. Infant Behavior and Development, 61,
• Gandolfi E., Zanobini M., Dodici S., Viterbori P., Usai M.C. (2020). Sviluppo del linguaggio, temperamento e funzioni esecutive emergenti nel terzo anno di vita. Psicologia Clinica e dello sviluppo, 1, 35-58.